
Need 蜜桃社鈥檚 Help?

Concerned that your right to freedom of expression may be at risk? Contact 蜜桃社 confidentially using the form below!

FIRE is unable to take other submissions by phone.

Please note that while many 蜜桃社 staff members are attorneys, our ability to provide assistance is limited by our mission and resources. Unless we have explicitly agreed through a signed agreement to enter into an attorney-client relationship with you, nothing in 蜜桃社鈥檚 correspondence, advocacy, or receipt of your submission should be construed as a promise or intent to represent you in a legal capacity, and 蜜桃社 is not responsible for ensuring that any statute of limitations requirement or any other requirements or deadlines are met in your case.

For information about how 蜜桃社 defends expressive freedom, please see our Frequently Asked Questions About Case Submissions.
